The lovely Marcia Hoehne passed this on to me, and I would pass it right back if I could. But she's already got it, so that would be silly. :)
Passing this on is going to be difficult, because there are so many blogs I love!! So here goes:
Jacqui's Room, the Thursday News of the Absurd Will Someone Please Write This Book Inspirational Moment is just one of the amazing things on her blog.
Gottawrite Girl, for all her amazing author interviews. Plus, this girl's got dedication!
The highly snarfatastic Carrie Harris. If you want to know what "snarfatastic" means, go visit her blog.
Susan Sandmore, for the greatest collection of YouTubes, ever.
Writer Jenn, Beth Revis, and PJ Hoover for all the great writing and book talk, plus so much more. :)
Tabitha, thank you for the love!
Thanks, Tabitha!!! Now I'd better go to Jacqui's Room and say something clever...
Thank you! I am rather YouTubey, aren't I? :)
What can I say? All your blogs rock! I'm sure there are more that I love that I just didn't think of, so if I do I'll have to spread some more love. Oh darn... :)
Awww, thanks! You're pretty awesome yourself, you know!
Thanks! :)
THANK YOU!! I'm ten days late on everything, but this is really sweet and totally made my day :)
Glad to hear it. :) Especially with all you've been dealing with for the past ten days. :)
Aww, thank you! I love your blog too!
--Jenn Hubbard
aka writerjenn (LJ) & liquidambar (Google)
Aww, thanks!! :)
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